You want to lose weight. Eat fat no wait. Do not eat fat. Eat carbs. Do not eat carbs. Eat proteins. Do not eat proteins. Take big meals, take small meals confused, Yes. Because there is overwhelming information on the internet you know which path you should take the evidence-based research.

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Welcome to my website. I help people losing weight permanently okay and today I'm gonna bring in front of you the science so that today after reading this article it is clear in your mind why are you not losing weight and what mistakes you are doing because I'm gonna bring in front of your science okay.

I'm gonna give you three most powerful tips so that you would be three steps closer to losing weight. Obesity is a multi-dimensional problem and the problem is we always try to lose weight. Also, I will give you some easy tips on how you can implement this in your life.

Low Carb Diet

The number one eats low carb diet you have heard this so many times that eat low carb but why eating low cards helps you losing weight. The problem is the hormone insulin fine insulin is a fat-storing hard one we in our meal. There are three macronutrients there are fat proteins carbohydrates okay.

Fats and Proteins

Fats and proteins do not have effects on your insulin too much like carbohydrates that is the reason you want to low your carb intake proteins also have but it is impossible to have fat alone and also, there are we are missing the important amino acids which we get from proteins so protein in a combination that fats are the best combination meal if you want to lose weight.


I know you have been hearing it long term but is it possible is it simply possible yes it is? I give you an example of example my mom always says old Pollack is here it's time to lose weight so she just eats what I eat so I prepare a meal for two people so I in the breakfast prepared eggs with spinach okay.

Lose Weight

Egg spinach with a lot of oil coconut oil or butter anything on it fine. I've been telling my sister for a long that you need to limit your carbs but she did not know how to do so she was also there she prepared her breakfast eggs and toast and then she was asking me why is it she's not losing weight.

So it is so simple you take the eggs half fat and the proteins white part of the protein yellow part as fact so you take the whole egg but in but you replace your toast with some vegetables. You can make a salad with boiled eggs and if you are vegetarian you can take sprouts okay.

I have heard so many times people telling the internet that on the internet that if you want to lose weight eat oats, okay it could be possible that oats work great for you and but the problem is that oats are high in carbs okay.

Get Hungry Very Fast

So you're gonna get hungry very fast so you have to look for low glycemic foods which do not convert into sugar fast fine in your blood so that is a typical example it is so easy to implement eggs vegetables are done to sell it some oil some seeds.

Example Of Seeds

Seeds is a very good example is very good food for vegetarians and you are done and this is how you lose weight you have to replace step by step your carbohydrates and I will tell you how to do it it's very simple okay.

Do Not Snack

Coming back to my powerful tip number two to lose weight permanently is do not snack okay. You have heard so many times that eat smaller and frequent meals totally wrong information even if you're eating nuts even if you are eating health healthy food after every two hours if for example nuts also have crabs cashews have so much of the carbs in it okay.

So every time you eat there is an insulin response in the body okay so whenever you are snacking for example you took your breakfast at 8 o'clock in the morning and 10 o'clock, you snack your insulin needs 2 hours to settle down at 10 o'clock your insulin is settling down so that your body starts burning fat and you took nuts what happened your insulin drip levels never got low and you never lost weight and then you say I am eating healthy.

Why Not Losing Weight?

Why I'm not losing weight because you are not letting your insulin levels to go down so what is your strategy if you are feeling hungry it means you have to look back what you should go between two meals to 4 to 6 hours. If you are not able to go to 4 to 6 hours you have to increase protein and fat intake in the previous meals, ok.

We all do mistakes even at this stage I still sometimes prepare food I think I have added healthy a lot of healthy fats in it a lot of proteins but still, after two and a half hours I start feeling hungry it means I have done mistakes in my last meal okay.

Eating Snacks

There are some snacks that do not raise your insulin levels for example green tea so you can drink you know teeth they do not until and unless if it's with milk it's gonna raise your insulin levels so the really the key here is insulin.

There were even so many studies done and published in so many research papers that woman who are snagged frequently they were not able to lose weight even under healthiest snacks, they were not able to lose weight so please eat only your meals and try not to snack in 1960 we used to eat three meals a day in 2018 or 2017.

We are eating six times a day and what is the result this yeah ever-increasing obesity okay.

Long Hour Carlos

Now the third and the most powerful tip is that do not do long hours Carlos okay. It includes aerobic exercises it includes jogging long hours this was the most advanced research done by JAMA.


JAMA is a Journal of American medical the association was the most comprehensive study done in the whole the history they took 40,000 women and they made over a period of 10 years they made them do exercise every day for one hour.

One and one to one and a half hours so they were doing exercise every day, Monday to Sunday, okay and the result was after10 years they had increased and they ate healthy okay. They had more fat and they do not lose weight.

Gym Burning

Now why did this happen the problem is that when you burn calories are you concentrating gym burning calories then post-meal is always more calories you consume before it doesn't mean that exercises, not healthy exercises healthy do not run marathons, do sprints should be shot.

Daily Exercise

I do exercise every alternate day and exercise is something healthy. It's just like brushing teeth but it won't help you lose weight. I do exercise to build my muscles. I do exercise to give me and my shoulder good shape that is the reason I hope you like my article.


I read a thousand and thousand of studies before coming to conclusion because I do not believe anyone I gave birth to a baby or your back and I'm back to my shape I engaged 2021 kgs and I lost it. It is all possible you need the right type of people giving you evidence-based research. Thank you. Bye Bye.
Shani Sheikh

Hi, I'm Shani, the admin of this blog. I really like to make web designs and writing articles on Beauty Tips, Health Care, Beauty Tips for Girls, Beauty Tips for Face, Hair Care, Beauty Tips & Tricks, Body Care, Weight Loss Tips & much more.

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