Health And Other Benefits of Natural Organic Foods. It’s not every day that a person has the chance to change the way that they eat. You might try to do so, become healthier and eat healthier but in a great many ways you will be thwarted in this desire.

Benefits Of Organic Food

This is why the advantages of organic food can have a far-reaching effect on you, more so than you would possibly have thought. Why do I say this? Because even though you might try to become healthy and change your way of living, it is extremely difficult to do so in many circumstances.

With the advent of more and more organic foods onto the scene, however, it becomes easier to hold to your desire to live a healthier lifestyle. Why? For the simple reason that your healthy eating habits become even healthier when they come in the guise of organic foods.

As you can see, the benefits of organic foods are many and you need only to scratch the surface to start finding them. As you dig deeper you will find there are more and more benefits of organic foods, some of which you might not even have thought about.

So what are the benefits of organic foods? Well, to start with, organic foods are produced in such how that there are not any chemicals within the growing process or within the case of animals, the rearing process. No chemicals are introduced into the mix and only natural fertilizers, pesticides, or herbicides are used.

Farm Animals

In the case of farm animals, only organic feed is given to them, so you can be assured that when you get organic meats or milk and things that the animals too are reared according to organic standards. There are also other benefits to organic food which include the exclusion of genetically modified organisms (GMO).

Genetically Modified Organisms

GMO’s to put it succinctly are foods that have had their genetic structure modified in some way or another. While this might seem to yield many benefits in the field of agriculture by providing farmers with larger amounts of useable crops, no one still fully knows what the disadvantages are in modifying the genetic structure of living organisms.

You need to look no further to find further such glaring deficits that science only found out about years after their regular and widespread usage, than to look at Lead and how bad we consider that to be. To that extent, the benefits of organic food far outweigh the dubious goodness of non-organic foods, at least until the jury comes back in on that question.

High-Cost Organic Foods

The only problem is the high cost of organic foods – the medical costs that you might incur upon seeing your monthly food bill after going organic might put you off the many benefits of organic food until such time as they become less expensive!

Lower Your Cancer Risk

Organic food lower our cancer risk. Is it really worth the price? Answers, coming up. This is nutrition made simple, we break down the science of food for you.

Organic food is farmed with no pesticides or at least less of them it's usually more expensive and there's always been a debate over whether it's really healthier and whether the extra cost is worth it.

Now, a Recent study making headlines shows an association between organic food and lower cancer risk Does that mean organic food prevents cancer? The truth is We're not really sure. the evidence up to this point doesn't allow a clear answer one way or another so the jury is still out.

Sometimes science is still a work in progress but wait, the headlines say organic reduces cancer that's because
a) the headlines are written by journalists not scientists and
b) Accurate headlines don't get clicks "organic vegetable consumption shows a statistically significant association.

If you're able to eat organic, if you have that option, if you have the resources available, then by All means do it.

Less Environmental Impact

It's very possible that organic will turn out to be healthier Plus organic farming is likely to have a less environmental impact but and this is a huge but, the benefits of eating fruits and vegetables far outweigh any harm the pesticides may have.

So if you're not able to eat organic. You should definitely consume the conventionally raised produce. If you have the option to do organic great do it good for you. But if you don't you should never let the fear of pesticides stop you from getting as many fruits and vegetables on your plate as you possibly can.

Understand It

As humans, we understand the concept “What does not kill you, makes you stronger.” Right? If you’re exercising, you’re breaking down muscle tissue so it can rebuild itself. You’re actually stimulating your bones so they can grow.

Glutamic Acid

It’s that stress in our brains from something called glutamic acid that makes us remember things, that make us smart. It’s stress. It’s mild stress that builds you stronger. The same thing happens with plants.

If you are an insect and you bite a plant, you force that plant to defend yourself from that insect, and you start secreting more protective compounds. If you’re exposed to the sun and you’re a plant did you know that plants make their own sunscreen? Yeah.

They make these interesting bar-like structures with two circles on the end of them to absorb radiation or reflect radiation. You might know them as carotenoids. You might see them as an orange and yellow hue in your food.

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You’ve heard of beta carotene. That’s the sunscreen for a plant. As a plant is stressed, it produces amazing, miraculous compounds that protect our bodies from stress. So if you’re going to go organic, know that you’re buying a more stressed plant that likely has higher what’s called phytochemicals, protective, plant-based chemicals, that can protect your cells, as well.
Shani Sheikh

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