What's up, guys? So what are you doing for the next 22 days? I
hope what I show you here today. I put together a 22-day abs workout. Guess
what? We've simplified everything because I'm going to remove some of the
excuses. We're not going to use any equipment, and we're not going to have to
worry about all these different exercise variations.
What we're going to do is give you a workout that adapts to your
ability level and I'm going to pick 22 days as my day, and my target because we
know that it takes about 22 days to develop a habit. If you can stick with this
workout – it'snot going to take you long – if you can stick with this workout
for 22 days in a row, who knows?
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You might be on your way to a whole new dedication to your body in
fitness because you're able to stick to this.
Here's what we're also going to do: we're going to make it
adaptable to your current ability level. We do that with extinction style
training. So with extinction, you're going to get a set target rep or a set
time that you're going to focus on and try to last for each exercise.
Six exercises here, following our normal progression for abs
training. If you can make it that time you earn yourself another round. 10
seconds and another round of exercise.
Advanced people can be at this, and can do this, and can finally
get a challenge, no matter how advanced they think they are. If you're more
intermediate you're going to maybe die off somewhere in between. If you're in
the beginning stages of your training you can still try this.
If you reach extinction in every single exercise your first time through,
so what? You're still getting good abs training in. So, guys, I'm going to lay
out all the exercises for you, I'm going to describe what each one is
working. Remember, we're going to have a different extinction goal for
each one.
Heels To
The Havens
Let's get started. Okay, first exercise: heels to the havens. We
have a lower abs exercise. Why? Because we're taking the bottom half and
we'removing it up on a fixed top half. So with the heels to the heavens, you
see me doing here if you're a beginner and you want to try this you have two
things you can do.
You want to aim for pushing up, straight up through the ceiling,
get your hips off the ground. Just don’t lower as much as somebody that's a
little bit more advanced. Do this for 45 seconds. This is your extinction
Again, if you don’t make it all the way through that's fine.
You're going to move to the next exercise right away. If you do make it for the
45 seconds you get a 10-second rest and you have to repeat this exercise again.
You keep doing that, resting 10 seconds after each completed round
until you cannot make the 45 seconds, and then you move onto the next level.
You see, this is how we accommodate people with all levels of
ability. Nobody is getting away with an easy workout here.
Moving on, now we're going to go bottom-up rotation. Again, lower
half moving, and rotating this time, on a fixed top half. We do that with our
step through the plank. So look, here we're going to take our body, we're
basically keeping the top of our body fixed here by keeping our forearms in
contact with the ground, and the shoulders facing the ground.
But we're going to rotate the hips as I step through, alternating
from one side to the next. The idea here is, you're going for a 45 second
extinction time. If you can last the whole 45 seconds you' redoing it again
until you cannot. Next, we move onto our mid-range movement. Here we
want to hit both the top and the bottom, moving together. We can do that with
what we call our X-Mencrunch.
For the first time, the extinction is nota time goal, it's a rep
goal. But you understand what that means by now. The rep goal here is 12.
You're going to do this exercise here. It's not easy, but you're not coming to
all the way to a complete V-sit position here.
You just want to bring your legs and your hands all together
toward the top, and then come back down into this "X" position. Legs
spread out and continue to repeat. 12 reps here is your extinction goal. Moving
on we've got to hit the obliques, too because they obviously count. I tell you
all the time. They taper in that midsection.
So what we do is an alternating thread the needle. The alternating
thread the needle is going to take the thread the needle exercise that I've
demonstrated here before, and you're going to go opposite, alternating left and
right. So you take it here, you reach up to the sky, from here you've got to
thread the needle and reach all the way under. Don’t lose your balance.
Then we come back out of it, come down, settle, and then repeat to
the opposite side. Go all the way up, come down, reach through, come back out
of it, settle in the middle, and go back.
Extinction here is reps, once again. It's 10 to each side. See if
you can make it all the way through. If you can; great job. You just earned
yourself 10 more to each side. If you didn’t we're moving onto the next
exercise anyway. Okay, we've got two left here.
The top-down movement comes first. What are we talking about? If
the bottom-up was a fixed top and a moveable bottom, now it's trying to keep
the bottom as stationary as possible and removing the top down on top of that.
Now the jackknife is going to allow us to do this. There's a
little bit of movement on the legs, but it's not the primary focus. So we get
here in this position, you have your hands out, and arms out straight, and
you're basically going to come up, do a crunch from the top, let the leg move
up just a little bit higher than the other one, settle back down, and go to the
other side. You keep going back and forth here. This is back to time again.
We're trying to go for 45 seconds on this alternating jackknife.
Let's go for it. Make as many as you can. When you reach extinction you've got
one exercise left. All right, finally, we've got to go top-down again, but this
time with rotation.
We do it with what we call a stationary bike. People do bicycles
all the time, and they basically go so fast that they're actually not even
contracting or working their muscles with any real focus, or attention. But
with the stationary bike, we're forced to.
So I get down on the ground here, knees come up to 90 degrees,
hands go behind my head, clasping, or pulling on my neck, and what I'm trying
to do is literally keep a little bit of contraction here to that top – already
contracted – pulled off the floor, shoulder blades off the floor and I'm trying
to rotate side to side.
One elbow toward the opposite knee, the other elbow toward the
opposite knee. Don’t move the lower half. Keep that stationary, hence the name.
But basically, we want to make sure that were rotating from the top down. This
is 30 seconds. This is not that easy.
It's a lot harder than whipping away at reason one of those
classic bicycles. You're going to get a lot more out of this. 30-second
extinction. When you make it all the way through this– and really, when you
fail to make it all the way through this – your workout has ended.
All right, so there you have it. Again, simple. We're going to
eliminate all the excuses. The equipment, the exercise variation, but not easy.
I don’t think it's supposed to be easy. Nothing worth having should be easy.
Give this one a try, no matter what ability level you are.
If you can work your way up over the course of the 22 days then
take advantage of that and go for it. guys, if you're looking for a program
that puts the science back in strength, train you the way you should, allows
muscles to work the way that they want to work. We train you as an
athlete. This is just one glimpse of that.