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Today I'll share some hair care tips and hacks to get rid of all your hair problems and hair related issues.

Natural Home Remedy

Hack number one how to removed and ruff start with two tablespoons of yogurt in a clean bowl then add the juice of half a lemon. Next, add two tablespoons of coconut oil and mix it well. Apply the mixture to your scalp and leave it on for about 30 minutes.

Finally, wash your hair using a mild shampoo use this remedy three times a week to permanently get rid of dandruff and flakiness.

Re-Growing Hair

Hack number two re-growing hair on bald patches begin by peeling a medium-sized onion dice the onion into small cubes so they will blend easily in a mixer blend the onion cubes and use a strainer to extract the juice onion. The juice helps regrow hair and it also prevents hair loss.

Next, add one capsule of vitamin E and stir apply to prepare juice on ball patches and massage it into your scalp well using your fingertips after an hour wash your hair using a mild shampoo. Use this remedy two times a week to grow thicker longer hair this remedy will not keep so you will want to prepare a fresh batch for each use.

Don’t Wrap Wet Hair

Hack number three doesn't wrap wet hair in a towel when your hair's wet hair shafts are like loosened springs that stretch and break more easily so it's best to let them dry naturally or use a wide-tooth comb to dry. If you're in a hurry this helps prevent hair breakage and thinning.

Use Wide Tooth Comb

Hack number four use a wide-tooth comb. A wide-tooth comb detangles more gently this prevents hair breakage and reduces the split ends and scalp irritation that can lead to hair loss for many people too much hair collects in the comb after detangling because of the friction and effort necessary to separate tangles.

When using a normal comb a wide-tooth comb helps detangle the hair more effectively without causing a lot of hair loss.

Use Of Oil

Hack number five homemade oil to prevent hair thinning and hair loss using a double boiler method add four to five tablespoons of coconut oil in a bowl and start heating the oil when it has become warm add a few cloves of garlic or you can use garlic paste continue to heat the oil for another 10 minutes.

Turn the flame off and strain the oil to remove the garlic bits. Now apply the warm oil to your scalp and give yourself a nice 3 massage using your fingertips this process stimulates hair growth and improves your hair texture while making it strong and healthy leave the oil on for an hour and after that wash using a mild shampoo.

This oil is extremely effective to stop hair loss and breakage. If you use this remedy once a week for at least three weeks you can store the soil at room temperature for up to a month.

Inversion Method

Hack number six inversion method that I already told you in the previous article for hair growth. This technique is so simple yet highly effective. Just flip your head upside down for four minutes and massage your scalp do this for three to four days and you will notice results.

This technique helps to increase the blood flow to the scalp thereby promoting hair growth.

Homemade Aloe Vera Oil

Hack number seven homemade aloe vera oil to grow extremely long and thicker hair using a double boiler method. Put about a cup of aloe vera cubes in a bowl then add half a cup of coconut oil. Heat the mixture for 20 minutes but remember to use the double boiler method only after 20 minutes turn off the heat and strain the oil to remove the aloe vera bits.

Apply the oil to your scalp using the inversion method described a moment ago using the oil in this way gives the results more quickly and you may notice new hair growth after just the second or third use leave the oil on your scalp for an hour or more than use a mild shampoo to wash your hair.

Use this remedy three times a week it will help you grow extremely healthy long hair.

Double Boiler Method

Hack number eight how to get rid of head lice again using a double boiler method or half a cup of almond oil in a bowl add pure neem leaves or neem leaf paste if you can't find neem leaf in your area. You can order it online. Heat the oil for 15 minutes then turn the heat off and strain the oil.

Now your oil is ready to use simply apply the oil directly to your scalp using your fingertips and leave it on for 30 minutes. Finally, wash your hair with your normal shampoo. One use will get rid of head lice so no need to repeat this treatment.

Hope this will solve your hair growth problems. Please like this article and subscribe to beauty tips & tricks that's all for now. Good Bye!
Shani Sheikh

Hi, I'm Shani, the admin of this blog. I really like to make web designs and writing articles on Beauty Tips, Health Care, Beauty Tips for Girls, Beauty Tips for Face, Hair Care, Beauty Tips & Tricks, Body Care, Weight Loss Tips & much more.

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