Hello Friends. Today, we are talking about natural hair growth remedies. So first of all remember, the length of your hair depends on your regular hair growth. In the case of some people, hair grows in 1-2inch in 1 month.

Normal Hair Growth

Normal hair growth in a month is approximately 0.5 inch but if it gets 1inch longer. I am going to tell a method called "Inversion Method". How to use this method, what is the proper way to use it for hair growth, and who can use it and who cannot.

Inversion Method

In the Inversion Method, your hair grows 1-4 inches in 1 month. If you follow it properly. People who are complaining of less hair growth should try this method and you will see the results. So to know whether your hair gets longer or not, take a picture of your hair from the backside before you start this method.

Wash off your hair, comb them, and take a picture from the backside. To see the difference, take a picture after 1 month. People who have less hair growth, their hair grow at least 1 inch longer if you are not having an infection or internal problem. People who have normal hair growth, their hair grow 3-4 inches.

If your Hair grows 1 or 2 inches longer in a month then what else you want. So now let's talk about how to do this method? The method is very easy, everything will be at our home and nothing will be expensive.

1: Take any 2 oils like I will prefer Mustard and Coconut Oil Option.

2: If you are having a dandruff issue take any oil and add 3-4 drops of Tea tree oil and if you are not having tea tree oil add few drops of lemon juice. Do not worry that lemon will make your hair grey. If you apply lemon directly on your hair it may change your hair color, due to its bleaching properties. But when it is mixed with oil its bleaching properties vanishes/reduces and doesn't change your hair color into yellow, white, or golden Option.

3: Take any 2 oils and add onion juice in the same quantity as of oil. Always remember to take the appropriate quantity of oil according to your hair length If you are having small hair 2-3 tbsp of the oil will be more than enough and if you are having long hair take oil quantity which can easily cover all ur hair.

After mixing oils, slightly warm the oil for 10secs and you can also use a microwave if you are having it. Apply that lukewarm oil on your hair. Warm the oil as much as it is bearable to your scalp.

Method of Application

The first step is to Comb your hair to detangle. Now divide your hair into sections, and massage oil on your hair with your fingers as you do it in a regular routine. Do not apply it at once on all your hair, divide them into sections so that oil covers all your hair.

Never forget the backside of our hair because we mostly apply oil on the front hair and ignores the backside. And don't forget to apply oil to the temple zone. After the oil is applied on all our hair, massage it for 3 mins. Remember massage for 3-5 mins as your purpose is to nourish our hair. So put a timer of 3-5mins. Do not massage less than 3-5 mins even if your hands get tired Remember the Phrase: "NO PAIN NO GAIN".

Massage well with the help of our fingers and do not massage roughly to avoid hair fall. After 5mins of massage, the Next step will be the important step of the Inversion Method. Slowly, with the help of hands, bring your hair to the front. Avoid any jerk as it may result in any joint or other problems. As you have brought all your hair in front, without applying any oil massage your whole scalp from (back, front, sides).

Quick Hair Growth

The Benefit of hanging your head in front will increase the Blood Circulation in your hair, resulting in quick hair growth. Massage in this position for 5-10mins. In the first step, you have to massage for 3mins and in this step, you have to massage for 5-10mins and your head will hang in front throughout.

If you feel that in some areas the oil is insufficient apply more oil. but mostly the backside of ur scalp is ignored. It is contraindicated in some people so I will tell u in the end who cannot use this method. So after massaging for 5mins, Slowly (without any jerk) come back to our original position and make a bun/braid or whatever is suitable to u.

Keep the oil for 2-3 hours on your hair and after that shampoo your hair. So this was the Inversion method and you have seen it is so easy and inexpensive. Now let me tell u 1 thing if u r adding onion in your oil, onion is no doubt good for hair growth and reduces dandruff but it doesn't suit some people and results in hair fall.

So if u face hair fall problem after using it for 1st time. I will suggest u not to add the onion. Add Tea tree oil/Lemon if you are having a dandruff problem. Now let me tell u when u have to apply it. You have to continue it for the next 7 days from the day u started without any gap. Do it daily.

Use Of Oils

You can change your oil or add any essential oil like peppermint oil, rosemary oil, Tea tree oil, or Avacado Oil which is so good for hair. But if u do not have any essential oil then simply use 2 oils like I use Mustard oil and Coconut oil, both are good for hair. Take it in pure form from any herbs shop. The pure form will give more good impact.

The 1st Thing you have to do is take a picture of your hair on day 1. This will help u to see how much your hair grows at the end of the month.

The 2nd Thing is, you have to do this method for 7 days from the day you have started. Do it daily for 8-15 mins Massage 3-5mins before the inversion method and 5-10 mins after. So do it daily for 8-15mins for 7 days. After these 7 days u will not apply any oil for the rest 3 weeks and after 3 weeks comb your hair and take a picture of your hair to see the hair growth.

During these 7 days of oiling, keep oil for 1-2 hours on your hair. Its winter so does not keep it for a night on your hair as u can get the flu. Do it during day time and daily use shampoo. Apply oil for 7days, keep for 1-2 hours, and shampoo it daily. Do not apply anything else on your hair. Do it for 3 months consecutively. 7 days Of inversion Method and then apply no other oil for rest 3 weeks.

I am sure you will see clear hair growth in these 3 months. If you cannot do it for 1 week or u think u r lazy to do this then I am telling u not to start it as u will not get any results. You have to do this for consecutive 7days. If u r giving a gap than do not ask me that we are doing it and not getting results.

So I am telling u in advance that u will not get results. Who should not do the Inversion Method? People who cannot do this is:

  • Pregnant Women, as bending forward, ur weight will shift to ur abdomen area or it can affect ur back So pregnant females should avoid doing this
  • Heart Patients
  • Kidney Issues like a kidney stone
  • Hernia
  • Any abdominal surgery
  • High or Low BP.
  • The joint issue especially the knee joint as all our weights shifts to the knee when we bend.
  • Any back Injury Other than that female who r conceiving, having hormonal issues, thyroid Issue or u r obese or weak, etc you can do this method
Any age group you can do this whether in teens or 20, 30. The question may arise that when can we do this? So u can do this during any time of the day but the important thing is u have to do this for 7days. So this was all about the Inversion method which is so useful and is so common in the West but there is not much awareness about it in our country.

I have told u this method and u can also spread to people leaving around u. It is a very easy method. Just massage oil on your hair for 3 mins. Do not only apply on roots but also apply it on all hair as it will reduce the frizziness and split ends.

Shani Sheikh

Hi, I'm Shani, the admin of this blog. I really like to make web designs and writing articles on Beauty Tips, Health Care, Beauty Tips for Girls, Beauty Tips for Face, Hair Care, Beauty Tips & Tricks, Body Care, Weight Loss Tips & much more.

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