Hello there and welcome to today's article
(My mustache is falling off). Today's article is on hairy girl hacks. I wanted
to write this article because I thought back to my younger sixth-grade self.
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Let me tell you a little story. On the first
day of sixth grade, I moved from Chicago to Florida. I went to school in a
skirt. My parents did not let me shave, because they were that kind of parents.
Literally the first class I ever stepped foot in sixth grade.
I just remember everybody's eyes on me like
but not on me, but on my legs, and I was like, 'Oh God. Sixth grade is gonna
suck!' Just took me down memory lane and I want to put together some of my
all-time favorite hair hacks for, well, the hairy girl. I hope you enjoy this article.
Hairy Nightmare
A thumbs up if you've had hairy.... hairy
experiences. You've had a hairy nightmare. So, leave me a comment down below
letting me know what age you first started shaving or, if you don't shave
today, let us know down below in the comments.
I think it's really cool because you know
what shaving and taking and getting rid of body hair is a choice, right? You
don't have to do it. Choices people, so don't get offended if some people don't
shave or some people shave.
This is a world we live in, okay. Let's all
unite. Let's get on into the article. Tweezers have never really been my best
friend probably because I always over tweeze, but I have a really cool method
that I always use and it's threading and you can actually make it yourself.
So, all you do is just tie off a little
piece, twist it around, and then using your pointer finger and thumb you can
scroll like this. And then all you do is just go back and forth onto your
eyebrows or your upper lip.
My experience, you can never really over
pluck with this and the hair takes at least twice as long to grow. So, a great
way to cover up the hair on your arms, your face, or your stomach is basically to
just dye it. It's much simpler. It also isn't that harsh on your skin if you're
going and shaving your skin.
Use Of Waxing
It's always been my preferred method. It
leaves my skin super soft. It also looks very natural and I like it. If you
happen to have nose hairs, which I know is embarrassing, there is the waxing
method, but honestly, that's just torture.
So, instead, I have two other ways. The
first one is to use scissors, but another one that's even better is to use this the little device, and it doesn't hurt I'm just kidding with you guys, that
basically, you could use on your eyebrows or your hair, and it just takes
everything nicely away.
Use Shaving Cream
I'm constantly running out of shaving
cream, so the best thing to use is just coconut oil. It's cheap, efficient, and
it makes your look super smooth. Ingrown hairs are a girl's worst enemy. So, a
really easy remedy is basically to create your own little scrub.
To do this just use some brown sugar and
mix in some olive oil and there you go, you got yourself the scrub that will
exfoliate and leave your skin really nice and smooth. After a few uses, you'll
notice your razor isn't so sharp.
So, a really quick hack to this is to put
it in baby oil and what this does is prevent the blade from rusting and making
it like a brand new shaver again, nice and sharp. The great at-home hack is
basically to create your own sugar wax.
Beauty Busters
Now, I actually did this in a Beauty
Busters before. It didn't work, but I finally got the method down. Let me know
if you would like to see a Beauty Busters re-do. I think that would be a lot of
fun. Basically, this is what you call a sugaring method and it's amazing because
you can just do it at home, at the comfort of your house.
So what you want to do is just wait until
the wax cools then you want to apply it on the opposite growth of the hair and pull
in the direction of the hair. Not really sure why marketers keep promoting a
"girl shavers." Honestly if you want a really nice shave, just use a
guy's razor.
It's like the best hack of all time. That
does it for today's article. I really hope that you guys enjoyed it. I hope this
helps some of you guys out if you're a hairy girl, or if you are a hairy girl
and you don't want to shave, I hope this helps.
Anyways, if you like this article, give it
a thumbs up. Stay connected with me on my blog and Twitter and Instagram. I
love posting you guys on just different things in different aspects of my
life. I love you guys so much. Thank you so much. Bye!