Hey friends. Today we want to talk about fungal infections. Either toe fungus or toenail fungus or the other thing which is called athlete's foot and really trying to figure out how to treat that through natural means.

Treat Fungal Infections

Absolutely. Naturopathic medicine has many different ways to help treat athlete's foot and fungal infections and it's not just treated at the site but actually treating it throughout the entire body.

Usually, if we have a fungal infection on the foot it may just be on the foot but it may also actually be throughout the rest of the body and that may, it's also called candida at that point. Candida? Which is like an overgrowth of yeast.

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Overgrowth Of Yeast

An overgrowth of yeast? So, don't name your child that name. (Laughing) Doesn't even sound pretty now that you know what it is. So, when, yeah, if somebody's coming in with an athlete's foot or a toenail fungal infection it could be from the shoes that they're wearing.

So that maybe that they're in socks all day their foot is actually getting sweaty and it's never actually getting that chance to dry out. Fungus and yeast love hot, warm, wet environments and that's why you see on the feet a lot of fungal infections.

So getting people into like shoes that are more like airy so like wearing flip-flops I don't know you may have some. Sandals, I mean switching your shoes on a daily basis as well, right? I mean obviously, you do want to change, definitely your socks. If it's really bad maybe twice a day, but at least once a day, right?

Cause Of Bacteria

Just to make sure that you don't fungal infections growing inside the sock and the next day when you get into the shoe with those socks on its going to cause you to have all that bacteria and all that junk inside the sock that you don't want to have there but other than that, making sure you can clean your feet and dry it in between your toes as well, I find that's really important.

Just because if you don't dry in between the toes and you start to kind of get you know all that flaking and the skin opening up which can mean resulting in more infections getting into the foot right because now you have open lesions and stuff. Yeah, and depending on the age of the patient I also take that into consideration when I see people.

So, young people definitely have a lot better circulation then as we get older and especially into our extremities. So, I mean for the most part to keep us alive we need it most within our like, our core but we also need that circulation down to our feet into our hands, and if we're not getting that circulation that's also when we don't get that same healing response and for wounds to take longer to heal if we don't have that good circulation.

Circulation In Feet

Yeah. So again this is where I might actually recommend, yeah, drying between the toes, making sure the feet are really dry, putting on new socks and also doing foot baths and those foot baths if we alternate between hot and cold it brings the circulation into the feet.

When we have that hot and then when we put them in the cold water it contracts all the blood vessels to pull any of those toxins that have come down or that we want to flush back out and get out of our body that cold constricts all those vessels in the feet and it allows it to come back to the heart and then our body to actually like the process to get rid of that this stuff that's no longer necessary in those cells.

So, alternating that back and forth between the hot foot bath and the cold foot bath it can be very beneficial for bringing that circulation in then contracting and taking it out along with anything that we don't need and then bringing that circulation in and then closing it up again.

Improve Your Sweat Glands

Yeah, the hot and cold foot baths are also great to help improve how your sweat glands work just because of the fact that you're training the foot to kind of be able to withstand hot and cold and then allow the body to figure that out again. Oh, excellent, that's a great tip.

I also find that putting like tea tree oil a little but not too much so that you don't burn the skin but a little bit of tea tree oil in and it acts as an antimicrobial and antifungal. It's a really strong kind of like natural medicine.

What’s About Diet?

How many drops per gallon would you recommend? Maybe two or three. Two or three drops per gallon. What about diet? An absolute diet is huge in this case. So, if we're talking about a fungal infection or we're talking about any kind of like athlete's foot.

We're also wanting to treat the entire body as if it's through the entire body we may not notice it like we do on our food but it's really important to have really healthy nutritious foods and to get rid of the things that the yeast feed on. Okay.

So that would be like simple sugars and wheat again, because we can definitely, it just like ferments and wheat is also made of yeast. Wheat and then simple sugars would be just the white sugar basically?

Yeah, anything that's very like simple inflammatory, anything that raises blood sugars if we have any like blood sugar dysregulation that also causes yeast and bacteria to grow because they feed on those sugars whether it be in the bloodstream or from the foods we eat.

Antifungal Drugs

Excellent, anything else you want to add? No, I think that's it. If you have it it's so much easier to deal with if we treat it early and then you don't have to go on as many kinds of like antifungal pharmaceutical drugs and yeah so you can definitely prevent it and treat it early and it's a lot easier to kind of get control of before it gets out of control.

Awesome, now if you have any other questions regarding fungal infections or toenail fungus please post your questions below. I'd be happy to maybe respond to that in the comment section.
Shani Sheikh

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