Hello Friends. Today, I'm going to be answering one of
your questions which is, how do I get rid of the blackness under my eyes?
You've got these dark circles and you're looking at yourself in the mirror and
you're trying to figure out how do I get rid of this.
In today's article, guys, I'm going to talk about five
reasons that you could have that darkness under the eyes. And, I'm going to
give you seven steps to get rid of the black circles under your eyes.
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Now, I'm not going to say that anyone of these
individually is going to fix the problem, however, you want to test you want to
try them all. These are going to be pretty much non-evasive methods and I think
that being able to go that route versus the one I'm not going to add in there,
but some people do go as extreme as surgery.
Now, before I get into this, guys, I want to point out
if you are experiencing pain if you notice one eye is really dark the other
one not so much, if this has happened very quickly and very recently you want
to go to a doctor, you want to get checked out.
What I'm talking about here is maybe something that
you've been living with and it's just now starting to bother you because maybe
you work with people and you don't want to look tired, you have people
mentioning you look tired because when you look tired, people just feel like
you have less energy.
And if they have this feeling, if that's what they're
thinking about that's what they're noticing, they're not able to notice all of
the other talents you're bringing into the table and that's what we talk about
here, guys, you being able to own your image.
Cause Of Ageing
Now, really quick, what's going to be causing this?
Number one is going to be aging. As we age as we get older, you just this is
something that we're going to see in skin. Basically, your skin is changing,
it's losing fat, it's losing some of its stretchiness, and the areas in which
we're going to see it is usually right here under the eyes.
Due To Genetics
The second factor is going to be your genetics and it's
going to play just as strongly as age if not stronger. So, if you look in your
family if you have a family history of having dark circles under the eyes,
guys, you can expect you're going to get it. Now, the great thing is you can't take
steps to reduce this, but understand if this is in your family, it's probably
going to be something very difficult to avoid.
Suffer From Allergy
The third thing that could be causing this and this is
very common you could be suffering from allergies. This could be food
allergies, this could be pollen, but basically, your body is having a reaction
and is causing the dark circles. I personally suffer from this and it's
something that you may not even think about it, but, yeah, that's all
When I have really bad allergies, I get dark
circles under my eyes. Guys, if that's the case, then you can take an
anti-allergen or you can go ahead and speak with your doctor and see if there
are some other steps.
Rapid Weight Loss
The fourth one I want to mention is rapid weight loss.
This is related to actually the way that your skin and everything is here. So,
if you have a lot of weight, you're a bit heavier and all of a sudden you
rapidly lost weight, you could actually see bags under the eyes.
Finally, let's talk about exposure to the sun.
Overexposure to the sun can have an effect on dark circles.
Get Enough Sleep
Now, guys, you notice I did not mention sleep because
that one I feel is probably going to be, you know, most people that's the one they
want to jump to. It's not always the case, sleep does have an effect usually
temporary and that's going to be my number one step, the first thing that you
can try to do to reduce it is to get better and to get more sleep.
Now, guys, one thing that I didn't talk about in this article
that is specific to this problem is actually using a larger pillow. Me,
personally I like a really small thin pillow, but one thing you want to do is
prop your head up.
By propping your head up while you sleep, less blood is
going to get caught up in here while you're sleeping, so you're going to be
less likely to wake up with the blackness under the eyes.
Daily Exercise
So, step number two is to exercise. And, yes, you knew that one was coming, but, guys, if you're not taking care of your body, if you're not protecting the asset, you're going to suffer from many different things and dark eyes, dark circles under the eyes are one of them.
Drink More Water
Step number three is to drink more water. Now, a great
rule of thumb that I heard is actually to take your weight to divide it by two and
that's how many ounces you should drink, so in my case about what? 85 ounces,
so just under about ten glasses of water, a little bit more than the eight
that's recommended, but I can do that and I know the benefits of drinking
water. So, guys, drink a little bit more water, don't go extreme though on
Use Of Creams
Tip number four, use creams specifically designed for
under the eyes. Why? Okay. So, I've got one here, Brick ell, it's a company I've
worked with before. Great company. The eye balms and the things they develop here,
they're usually going to have more oil in them, they're going to be thicker
than just regular facial creams.
Also, this one has MSM protein peptides aloe, so they
have things specifically designed to actually replenish and to reduce the
darkness under the eyes, so goes check them out.
Use Of Cucumber
So, tip number five. Let's talk about direct
applications. So, you've probably seen cucumbers, you've seen potatoes perhaps,
maybe teabags. These are things where you've got something around the house
that you can put on your eyes and actually have something that's going to be
But I do find that for me personally a cold compress,
so I usually keep something in the freezer, notice. Usually, it has like small
beads in it and then I can just put it on my face and I find that laying down
with that on my face for about five to ten minutes helps me feel refreshed and
does get rid of the darkness under my eyes.
Change Your Diet
So, step number six is to change up your diet. You want
to introduce kale, spinach, green leaf, lettuce. Why? We're talking vitamin K,
B12. Also, I love to bring in some seafood or to bring in some meat.
So, beef or clams, mollusks, scallops, you know, we're
going to see a turkey in there, livers. All of these are going to have high
amounts of iron which is going to be great for helping to get rid of the
darkness as well.
All right, guys, tip number seven is to treat the
allergy. Basically, go back to those initial tips I talked about, treating it
at the source. So, figure out if this is caused by allergies, I need to figure
out what am I allergic to, why am I reacting this way? Is it the pollen? Is it
something that's in my diet?
A lot of people they're eating things which are
actually having a negative effect on their body, they don't even know what they
feel is normal. So, guys, I then you know, change up your diet a bit, see if
that helps.